


Watermelons are not round by default, they can come in many different shapes and sizes. These square watermelons are grown specially for the Beijing Olympic Games. Beijing 2008 logos, pictures and flags of countries such as China and South Korea can be printed on these tasty melons. Do you want to have a bite?

They look like Rubik’s Cube to me.

Via 鏋滄灉鎯�1BLOG

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3 Comments to “Olympics Watermelons, Squarish Melons For Beijing 2008”

  1. Miyu_Vip | May 6th, 2008 at 4:42 pm

    Very clever idea

  2. charlie | May 7th, 2008 at 6:41 am

    What have they done to those melons to make them last for 10 months?

  3. Charles' the third | August 11th, 2008 at 4:00 pm

    you see chuck, theyve used those air filteess to ionize the melon to ionize the juicyness and long last ablility then stuck some bigg ol’ silacon in on and around the skin to make nice and squre and written on any more questions?

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