Beijing Olympics FAN! is All About Beijing Olympics 2008 & Beijing Paralympics 2008. News, rants, raves and comments of the Beijing Olympics and Paralympics are All here.
Beijing Olympics FAN! Staff
Patrick Quek :

Created Beijing Olympics FAN! blog in Feb 2007 in a dingy room while eating his fav Filet-O-Fish. Has been writing for Play Gadgets of b5media ever since that blog was born. Occassionally dabbles in a few blogs here and there. Video games is his first life, sometimes second after his blogging.
Reach him:
Welcome readers, sponsors and aliens to mail me.
Meg Stivison :

I’m an American girl, working in Beijing and learnng to speak Chinese. I spent 2006 living in Yantai, Shandong province, so I’m pretty excited to be in the city now, with Western groceries and English-language bookstores!
Like Patrick, sometimes I have to choose between videogames and blogging, and it’s not easy. My personal blog is Simpson’s Paradox. You can reach me at , to share any comments or Olympics tips!
so this blog is run by Meg
nice, Meg is really kind and funny