Official Beijing Olympics Access On YouTube, Beijing 2008 Goes Online

The IOC (International Olympic Committee) has set up an online channel on YouTube to keep you update on the latest of Beijing Olympic Games 2008. is your Olympic Channel.

The IOC will launch an online Channel to broadcast the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in 77 territories* across Africa, Asia and the Middle East, including India, Republic of Korea, Nigeria and Indonesia, it was announced today.

From 6 August 2008, the IOC will broadcast a selection of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games clips as Video On Demand (VOD). The IOC鈥檚 Channel will be available on YouTubeTM, geo-blocked within each territory, at:

The IOC鈥檚 Channel will be accessible in territories where digital VOD rights have not been sold or have been acquired on a non-exclusive basis.

Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS), a wholly owned subsidiary of the IOC, will produce regularly updated Olympic content. The package will include highlights, news and daily clips of the competitions, available throughout the 17-day period of the Games.

Via NorwalkPlus

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2 Comments to “Official Beijing Olympics Access On YouTube, Beijing 2008 Goes Online”

  1. Micah Sittig | August 6th, 2008 at 11:50 pm

    No wonder Youtube took down the Opening Ceremony sneak preview videos by the Korean TV station so quickly ;)

  2. Bharat Yadav | August 9th, 2008 at 1:52 am

    Hello Beijing

    Heartiest Congratulations for the Heart throbbing start of Olympiad. I have watched entire opening ceremony of “Olympics Beijing 2008″. It was fantablous, awesome, Brilliant. I am unable to express my words. Cultural dances, music and fireworks was Ultimatum. The Olympics president Liu Qi and the peoples of China definitely deserve credit for their hard work. Once again Congratulations.


    Warm regards from
    Bharat Yadav
    Sirsa (Haryana) INDIA


    琛峰績鍦扮�濊春锛屼负蹇冭剰throbbing寮�濮嬬殑濂ヨ繍浼氥�傛垜瑙傜湅浜嗘暣涓�寮�骞曞吀绀尖�滃ゥ杩愬寳浜�2008骞村ゥ杩愪細鈥� 銆傝繖鏄�骞绘兂锛屽彲鎬曠殑锛岀粷瀵圭殑杈夌厡銆傛垜鏃犳硶琛ㄨ揪鎴戠殑璇濄�傛枃鍖栬垶韫堬紝闊充箰鍜岀儫鑺辩垎绔规槸鏈�鍚庨�氱墥銆傚ゥ杩愪細涓诲腑鍒樻穱鍜屼腑鍥戒汉姘戞槸缁濆�瑰�煎緱璧炴壃浠栦滑鐨勮緵鍕ゅ伐浣溿�傚啀娆$�濊春銆�


    sirsa 锛堝搱閲屼簹绾抽偊锛夊嵃搴

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