Chinese Hotel Gives $ To Reporters Who Give Good Coverage

A 5-star Chinese hotel in Beijing has been dishing out cold, hard cash or yuan to reporters in return for positive media coverage on the hotel. Gehua New Century Hotel, formerly known as the Huabei Hotel, may not be the only hotel doing this PR stunt.

The handout in Chinese on headed notepaper given by staff to the media after a Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG) news conference at the hotel on Friday promised 100 yuan for a mention of the Gehua in reports.

Once verified by the public relations department, the document said, media can claim 500 yuan for a “positive” article on the hotel of 100 to 500 words in length and 1,000 yuan for an article of between 500 and 1,000 words.

Paying to write good stuff on you, what’s your view?

Via Reuters

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