There are over 800 bus lines already in Beijing, but this one’s red! I just heard that a red double-decker London bus will be coming to Beijing for the Olympics.


London bus drivers are being asked to go the extra mile for the Olympics by signing up for a three-month journey from Trafalgar Square to Beijing.

In a scheme to celebrate cultural links between this year’s Olympic Games host city and London, host in 2012, an iconic red double-decker bus will set off on a three-month journey. Leaving in June, the bus is expected to arrive in Beijing before the Olympic flag is handed over to London Mayor Ken Livingstone at the closing ceremony. Eight drivers from London’s various bus operators are needed to make the trip which will cross Europe, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan before reaching China.

no-driver-on-top.jpg Hey, if you need anyone to ride on the top, I’m your girl!

Via Shanghai Daily and China Economic Review, who adds that “as London buses appear to have the greatest difficulty finding their way from Clapham to Balham 鈥� a distance of a few miles 鈥� this may be the journey too far.”

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