Do you recognize these two? Edison Chen is at the center of a sex scandal, and Gillian Chung is one of the (many!) girls involved.
I wrote about the Edison Chen photo scandal here:
The short version of the story is that a Hong Kong actor took some risque shots of himself fooling around with starlets. He kept them on his computer, and everything was fine until he took his computer in for repairs. Somehow these pictures leaked to the internet — which is what you’d expect when you show naked photos of hot actresses to the tech support guy, isn’t it? — and Chen and his lady friends are in hot water.
Naked pictures of celebs in the US is underwhelming news. Britney Spears forgets her undergarments pretty regularly and is there anyone in Hollywood who hasn’t filmed naked time with Paris Hilton? Lots of stars have bounced back from an embarrassing video, and some have even turned a “leak” into celeb status.
Unfortunately, here in China the risque photos are causing huge disaster for the stars involved. One of the unlucky girls in the photos, Bobo Chen, had her wedding canceled when her fiance’s family heard about the scandal, and many of the others (seems like a Who’s Who list of Hong Kong starlets hooked up with Edison Chen!) are losing jobs and endorsements based on their innocent images. Gillian Chung, another girl in the photos, was booked to sing at the Opening Ceremonies… but that’s been canceled.
From the Sydney Morning Herald:
A female Hong Kong pop star at the centre of a sex photos scandal has been banned from singing at the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, a news report said today.
The ceremony’s artistic director Zhang Yimou decided to take Chung off the bill after the scandal broke and had replaced her and another Hong Kong star not involved in the photos incident with Chinese pop act A-One, the newspaper said.
More than 2000 people complained when Chung appeared on a charity TV show at the height of the scandal a fortnight ago and she was forced to scrap a public appearance last Saturday when protesters threatened to disrupt her performance.
The scandal over the pictures has tainted the saccharine-sweet image of Hong Kong’s so-called Canto-pop industry whose cheesy romantic melodies sung in Cantonese sell by their millions in Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan.
Man, I sort of wish Spielburg were still artistic director… We Americans completely fine with stars getting naked on camera!
Via 2008 Games Beijing Blog, with additional information from the Sydney Morning Herald.